Watford Lib Dems oppose plan to demolish Stratford Road home
Another attempt to knock down a family home at 40 Stratford Road for a new residential development has come forward.
Last year, plans to build a block of eight flats at the junction of Stratford Road and Langley Road were turned down. Watford Borough Council felt it was an “overdevelopment”, failed to “enhance” the quality or character of the area, “harm” neighbouring Nascot Conservation Area, and provide some “inadequate living conditions”.
Applicant Nascot Developers Ltd now proposes to demolish the existing 1930s two storey Tudor revival house and replace it with a terrace of three houses of two-and-a-half storeys.
Two would have three bedrooms with one of four bedrooms. Each home would come with its own front and back garden and share a communal parking area for three spaces, accessed from Langley Road.
Liberal Democrat Nascot councillor Mark Hofman said: "While this scheme is much better than the flatted scheme, and these new homes will help meet the housing need of Watford families, it is still cramming a lot of homes onto a relatively small site and I will oppose it as over development.”
The application can be viewed on the planning portal via reference 22/01252/FUL.